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Douglas Booth imageBSc(Hons)(Melb), MSocSci(Natal), PhD(Macquarie)


Professor Booth began teaching in the social history of sports in 1994 before moving to the University of Waikato as a Professor of Sport and Leisure Studies in 2004. In 2007 he returned to the University of Otago to take up the position of Dean of the School of Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Sciences. In 2018 he became Professor Emeritus.

Professor Booth is an executive member of the Australian Society for Sports History and serves on the editorial boards of Rethinking History, Journal of Sport History, Sport History Review and Sporting Traditions.


Professor Booth's research primarily focuses on political and cultural aspects of sport. Within this broad framework he has examined racism in South African sport, the politics of the olympic movement, the cultures of surfing and surf lifesaving, and the nature of extreme sport. His current research focuses on the historiography of sport history.

Postgraduate Students


  • Bethany Geckle: Queer World Making: Destabilizing Heteronormativity Through Skateboarding (2021)
  • Sebastian Potgieter: (Re)Presenting 1981: Narrating the Springbok Tour (2020)
  • Anita Harman: Guilt, Women and Exercise (2014)
  • Fiona McLachlan: Pool Space: A Deconstruction and Reconfiguration of Public Swimming Pools (2012)
  • Katie Fitzpatrick: Stop Playing Up! Youth, Class, Ethnicity, Gender, Health and Physical Education (2010)
  • Geoff Kohe: Making it Ordinary: An Unexceptional History of the New Zealand Olympic Council and Sporting Ideals in the Dominion, c.1892-1936 (2010)
  • Holly Thorpe: Boarders, Babes and Bad Asses: Theories of Female Physical Youth Cultures (2007)
  • Brendan Hokowhitu: Te Mana Maori – Te Tatari I Nga Korero Parau (2002)
  • Annemarie Jutel: Visions of Vice: Appearance and Policy in Feminine Body Image (2000)


Booth, D. (2024). Nature sports: Ontology, embodied being, politics. In R. Melo, D. Van Rheenen & S. Gammon (Eds.), Nature sports: Concepts and practice. (pp. 19-33). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Chapter in Book - Other

Booth, D. (2024). [Review of the book Bondi days: An obituary]. Sport in Society, 27(1), 181-183. doi: 10.1080/17430437.2023.2200226 Journal - Research Other

Booth, D. (2023). Experiments in history: The voice of Bondi. Rethinking History, 27(1), 124-143. doi: 10.1080/13642529.2022.2158644 Journal - Research Article

Booth, D., Phillips, M. G., & Adams, C. (2022). Sport history: Past, present, future. In M. G. Phillips, D. Booth & C. Adams (Eds.), Routledge handbook of sport history. (pp. 391-394). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306 Chapter in Book - Other

Phillips, M. G., Booth, D., & Adams, C. (2022). Sport history journals: Introduction. In M. G. Phillips, D. Booth & C. Adams (Eds.), Routledge handbook of sport history. (pp. 315-322). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429318306 Chapter in Book - Research

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