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Staff phone numbers and email

For a complete listing of staff phone and email contacts for the School visit the University of Otago phonebook


Associate Professor Elaine A Hargreaves (Nee Rose) BSc(Hons)(Glasgow) PhD(Wales)

Academic staff

Associate Professor Melanie D Bussey BPhEd MSc(New Br) PhD(Otago)

Professor Christopher Button BSc(Hons) PhD(Manc Met)

Professor Tania G Cassidy DipPE DipGrad MPhEd(Otago) PhD(Deakin) DipTchg

Professor James D Cotter BSc MPhEd(Otago) PhD(W'gong)

Associate Professor Mark Falcous BA(Hons)(De Mont) MA(Qu) PhD(Lough)

Associate Professor Elaine A Hargreaves (Nee Rose) BSc(Hons)(Glas) PhD(Bangor Wales)

Professor Kenneth P Hodge DipPhEd(Otago) MS(Montana) PhD(Ill)

Professor Steven J Jackson BA(WOnt) MS PhD(Ill)

Dr Peter Lamb HBK MSc(Lakehead) PhD(Otago)

Associate Professor Nancy J Rehrer BA(Duke) MSc(Clemson) PhD(Maastricht)

Dr Brendon Roxburgh BPhed (Otago) PGDipSci (Cardiac Rehabilitation) MSc (Sport and Exercise Science)(Auckland) PhD (Otago)

Associate Professor Michael Sam BPE(Alta) MA(New Bruns) PhD(Otago)

Professor Sally Shaw BA(Hons)(York) MSc(Dist)(Sheffield) PhD(De Mont)

Dr Tina van Duijn BSc (Sport/Biology) MSc (Sport/Biology) PhD (Waikato)

Dr Lara Vlietstra BSc (Avans Breda), MSc (Utrecht), PhD (Otago)

Teaching Fellows

Dr Neil Anderson BPhEd PGDipDS MPhEd PhD(Otago)

Marguerita I Lázár MA(Otago)

Dr Sebastian Potgieter BA(Hons) MA (Stellenbosch) PhD (Otago)

Professional Practice Fellows

Mark Drury – BPhEd (Otago) Masters in Strength & Conditioning (Edin)

Dr Emily Scott – BPhEd Hons PhD (Otago)


Bridie Nanai, MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Science; MSc Sport Therapy
Research Analyst with M Bussey

Maddie Pascoe – BSc(Cant)
Assistant Research Fellow with R Blakemore

Maria Pearson, MPhEd(Otago)
Research Assistant with S Shaw

William White – NZSCA, BAppSc, PGDipSc(Dist)(Otago)
Research Assistant with M Bussey

Honorary Lecturer

Dr Rebekah Blakemore BSc(Akld) PGDipPE MPhEd PhD(Otago)

Honorary Associate Professor

Dr Lynnette M Jones – BSc BPhEd (Hons) PGCert MedTech PhD (Otago)

Adjunct Associate Professsor

Dr Michael Boyes – Bed(Massey) Med(W Aust) PhD(Otago) DipTchg MNZM

Emeritus Professor

Douglas Booth BSc(Hons)(Melb) MSocSci(Natal) PhD(Macquarie)

Honorary staff

2020-2022 Dr Luiz Uehara, BPhEd Hons DipGrad PhD (Otago)

2020–2021 – Dr Jonathan Ng, DipPE BSc(Sing) PhD(Otago)

2019–2022 – Dr James Croft,  BSc(Hons)(Bristol) MSc(Victoria) PhD(Calgary)

2013 – Dr Jaleh McCormack  BA(Hons) MA PhD(Otago)

2012 – Dr James Croft  BSc(Hons)(Bristol) MSc(Victoria) PhD(Calgary)

2011 – Dr Andrew  Garrett BA(Hons)(Wales Inst.) MSc(Loughborough) Cert.Tchg (Waikato Inst.)  PhD(Otago)

2011 – Dr Ludovic Seifert MSc(Strasbourg)  MSc(Louis Pasteur) PhD(Rouen)

2010 – Associate Professor Graham Fletcher BE(Hons)(West  London Inst.) MSc(Brunel) PhD(Sheffield)

Electronic addresses (including email accounts instant messaging  services or telephone accounts) published on this page and website domain are for the  sole purpose of contact with the individuals concerned in their  capacity as officers employees or students of the University of Otago  or their respective organisation. Publication of any such electronic  address is not to be taken as consent to receive unsolicited commercial  electronic messages by the address holder.

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