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He mihi nui tenei ki a koutou
Ngā uri o ngā hau e whā arā,
Ngā mātāwaka o te motu
O te ao whānui hoki
Nau mai, haere mai ki te taumata.
Nau mai haere mai tauti mai ki tenei pae tukutuku mo te rangahau Māori.

Māori language, whakapapa and history

The Hocken has material on a wide range of Māori subjects and these are invaluable resources for all Māori researchers. Collections cover all iwi areas and highlights of some of this material are outlined below.

Although most of the collections are of Pākeha European origins, research material within the Hocken Collections are often treasured by Māori as taonga for the information they contain and because they capture the presence of ancestors who have passed on.

Archival collections include nineteenth century missionary journals and letters containing information about early Māori in areas such as the Bay of Islands, Otago and Southland. The Edward Shortland and Herries Beattie collections are examples of European collections that contain important Māori information.

Pictorial collections include Māori photographic portraits; wharenui, whakairo and photographs depicting Maori life. Also included are historically significant paintings from the nineteenth century and contemporary art works by Māori including Ralph Hotere, Para Matchitt, Robyn Kahukiwa and Shane Cotton.

Published collections include significant works of nineteenth century printed Māori language material and a comprehensive collection of published works relating to a vast selection of Māori research and areas of interest.

Music collections include sound recordings of Māori compositions by Ana Hato and Deane Waretini.  Other highlights include early Maori concert party and show band recordings; interviews with Te Rangihiroa; readings by Keri Hulme; recorded lectures by Tipene O'Regan and Mervyn McClean's collection of Maori music.

Map collections include illustrations of early Māori locations such as Ruapekapeka Pa, Rangiriri Pa and Ngatapa Pa. Other maps include Herries Beattie's 'Maps of the South Island and North Island showing Māori Place Names' (1896).

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