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ValueNZ$25,000 per year plus tuition fees
Number offeredvaries
Closing date30 September


To provide support for doctoral study in the area of Indigenous Development Research and develop excellent research capabilities to deliver research in two specific areas:

  1. Fostering Te Pā Harakeke – understanding, achieving and maintaining 'healthy and prosperous families of mana' and the lessons this may hold for New Zealand families overall. Understanding what 'Te Pā Harakeke' is, enabling it to be achieved and addressing the barriers.
  2. Sustaining Māori Distinctiveness – understanding and yielding the distinctive contribution that Māori peoples make and may yet make to New Zealand society, culture, economy and overall prosperity. What positive and unique Māori contributions to New Zealand's national development do and could exist?

Applicants must be:

  • Māori or indigenous students
  • currently enrolled or in the process of enrolling a recognised doctoral programme of study and research at a tertiary institution

Applicants must no work more than 10 hours per week in paid employment while in receipt of this scholarship.

Funding starts from 1 January 2012.

Please visit the Ngā Pae O Te Māramatanga Doctoral Scholarship website for the further details.

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