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Climate changing identities

"I am interested in the social impact of climate change on the governance and identity with cultural landscapes."


Enacting Māori leadership

Merata's research activities have over-arching themes of supporting Māori leadership, community and education.


Learning in the dark

The  revival of an ancient Māori method of teaching in the dark has had  spectacular results for Dr Karyn Paringatai and her students.


Saving te reo Māori

Māori speakers in Dunedin and Otago face an uphill battle to keep their  language skills alive so they can pass them on to new generations. But  soon they could be getting help, following collaboration between local  families, Ngāi Tahu and a multidisciplinary team from the University of  Otago.


The value of te reo Māori

Based at Otago's Te Tumu - School of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous  Studies, Associate Professor Poia Rewi (Tūhoe, Ngāti Manawa, Te Arawa) works on a regional and national level in multiple areas of Te Reo promotion, teaching and research, and his current projects highlight his  unwavering focus.

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