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Staff Research

Staff regularly publish their research in books and in top overseas journals.  Theology performs at a high level in research, and we encourage our students to have the same passion for original contribution to knowledge as we do.

To study with us is to enjoy a learning environment on the cutting edge of international discussions in the realm of Theology.

Theology Programme publication list

World-class Research

The Theology Programme offers a flourishing research culture.Pack on track 2

Our students gain from this quality of research.  The teaching we offer is research-informed, which gives a liveliness, currency and credibility to all that is taught in the classroom.  It also enhances the quality of research essays that students complete under the supervision of staff.

Research Seminars

Regular research seminars, held during each teaching semester, offer students exposure to the research of staff, postgraduate students and overseas visitors, and provide postgraduate students an opportunity to share their research.

Postgraduate Research

Theology has a very strong postgraduate research culture.  We have the highest number of PhD students within the Division of Humanities – some students have come from overseas specifically to study under the supervision of our staff.

Explore our theses in the Otago University Research Archive

Further Links

  • Postgraduate courses: If you're interested in fostering your own capacities for research you should consider the postgraduate courses we offer
  • Staff research: For the research interests of staff, and their preferred areas of supervision
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