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We offer two different Masters degrees:

  • Master of Arts (MA)
  • Master of Theology (MTheol)

Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Theology (MTheol) Degrees

Degree formats

The Master of Arts and Master of Theology can be taken in two forms:

  • a 'taught' programme, which consists of one year of taught papers (three taught papers at 400-level and a research essay of 17-20,000 words) followed by a year of research
  • a one-year research programme, leading to a 40,000-word Master's dissertation

Students with an Honours degree or equivalent in Theology may apply to proceed directly to the one-year, 'research' degree. Those with an ordinary Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Theology, or equivalent in the subject take the two-year route.

The first year of a two-year Master's has the same requirements as the final year of an Honours degree, or a Postgraduate Diploma in Arts or a Postgraduate Diploma in Theology.

Distance learning

While a number of the taught papers at 400-level are available by distance study, a full selection may not be on offer in a given year, and students studying by distance may need to take longer than one year to complete the taught element of the degree.

Majors in the two degrees

  • MTheol can major in Biblical Studies or Christian Thought and History or Pastoral Theology
  • MA can major in Biblical Studies or Christian Thought and History

Apply for the Master of Arts

Read the Master of Arts (MA) regulations and apply

Apply for the Master of Theology (MTheol)

Read the Master of Theology (MTheol) regulations and apply

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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2023 Calendar and supplementary material.

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