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Study Tourism at Otago and begin a journey of discovery

The Department of Tourism's undergraduate papers begin with the Introduction to Tourism, both in New Zealand and globally, at 100-level. At 200-level, we narrow our focus to areas such as Wine Tourism, Sport Tourism and Tourist Behaviour. Then, at 300-level, we approach deeper issues like Cultural and Heritage Tourism, Events and Conventions Management, and Ecotourism and Sustainable Development.

100-level undergraduate Tourism papers and prescriptions

TOUR 101 Introduction to Tourism

An introduction to the global principles that structure tourism, the nature and operation of the tourist industry and the impact, development and management issues that arise from tourism.

TOUR 102 Global Tourism

The major issues in world tourism as it is differentiated on a global regional basis; integrated illustrative case studies.

TOUR 103 Introduction to Hospitality

An introduction to the philosophy of hospitality, and a look at global perspectives of the hospitality industry.

200-level undergraduate Tourism papers and prescriptions

TOUR 214 Introduction to Wine Business and Tourism

An introduction to the business of wine. The culture of wine, wine regions, sensory evaluation, structure of the industry, the market for wine, wine tourism, distribution and sales.

TOUR 216 Sport Tourism

An application of tourism development concepts and themes to the subject of sport tourism.

TOUR 217 Tourist Behaviour

An introduction to how tourist behaviour is shaped and influenced by a wide variety of internal and external stimuli in relation to tourism marketing, planning, and development processes.

TOUR 218 Tourism and Hospitality Enterprise Management

Highlights the unique nature of hospitality and tourism businesses. Co-creation, performance and HRM, seasonality, yield management, distribution, production and selling of 'experiences'.

TOUR 219 Destination Management

Introduction to the management of tourism destinations. Includes an examination of accessibility and supply within the tourism system, demand forecasting and crisis management, stakeholder relations, strategic planning, promotion, evaluation and issues of sustainability.

300-level undergraduate Tourism papers and prescriptions

TOUR 301 Cultural and Heritage Tourism

The nature of cultural and built heritage and their relationships with tourism. Issues include: the management of cultural systems for tourism; the identification, promotion and development of heritage as a sustainable heritage tourism product.

TOUR 303 Tourist Accommodation Management

A synthesis and examination of factors influencing the operation of accommodation sector organisations and businesses. An application of the knowledge and skills from prior learning in the area of tourism and hospitality human resources management, yield management, and the environmental and managerial conditions specific to the accommodation sector.

TOUR 304: Events and Conventions Management

Principles of meetings, event and festival management. Topics include the significance of conventions and events, conventions and meetings design, management planning processes, methods and evaluation of conventions and events, infrastructural requirements, impacts, volunteers, sponsorship, programming, event planning and development.

TOUR 305 Tourist Product Development

An introduction to analysis of existing tourism products and the development of new tourism products, including how particular narratives are constructed to tell a story to be associated with the product. Also, this paper presents a framework, within persuasive communication, for managing consumer behaviour at the site where a product is offered.

TOUR 306 Ecotourism and Sustainable Development

Historical context, development, structure of sustainably managed nature tourism and ecotourism. Definitions, principles, concepts and issues. Business and tourism management implications for ecotourism operations; ecotourism/nature tourism destinations; indigenous, community development reliant on the sustainable use of natural resources.

TOUR 310 Leisure: Lives and Societies

Examines conceptual and historical perspectives of leisure; the role and scale of contemporary leisure, and the leisure industry. Considers determinants of the demand for and access to leisure, leisure, hedonism, deviance, freedom, and morality.

TOUR 350 Special Topic: Heritage Interpretation in the Digital Age

Use web-based and mobile digital interpretive platforms to identify and interpret natural and cultural heritage tourism attractions. Focus on knowledge mobilisation by the creation of digital heritage tour or guide.

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