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Thursday 20 April 2017 1:38pm

Professor Greg Cook with leading PhD researchers, Dr Scott Ferguson and Nichaela Harbison-Price
Professor Greg Cook with leading PhD researchers, Dr Scott Ferguson and Nichaela Harbison-Price (photo by Sharron Bennett photography).

Professor Greg Cook states innovation in this area is long overdue to protect NZ farmers' status as global dairy leaders. There is a risk in this huge industry relying on only two sanitising molecules, particularly given the globally growing threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and trends in reducing antimicrobial usage". Universities of Otago and Auckland researchers, and NZ animal health company, Deosan, are working with Professor Cook's team leading research to develop new sanitisers to manage the disease which costs the dairy industry $280 million annually in treatment and discarded milk.

Read the full DairyNews article 'Mastitis treatment needs major overhaul' written by Rural News Group.

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