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Associate Professor Tristram Ingham

24 Jul 2024

Expert response on Abuse in Care report

The Crown must honour survivor communities by implementing the recommendations c...

Sam Fraser, Iritana Bennett-Fakahau, Georgia Grant and Hotene Ngaropo-Tuia at the Ki te Āpōpō Rangatahi Expo last month.

19 Jul 2024

Māori medical students look out for future doctors

A group of Māori medical students from the Wellington campus have spent a day wi...

Man vaping thumbnail

16 Jul 2024

Strong emotions, intense cravings and daily disruption: young people’s experiences of vaping

Young people in Aotearoa New Zealand are struggling with the effects of vaping a...

clocktower summer thumbnail

12 Jul 2024

Otago University supports academic’s critic and conscience role

The University of Otago welcomes the Chief Ombudsman’s ruling calling for Associ...

He Kete Kōrero winter 2024

10 Jul 2024

He Kete Kōrero - Winter 2024

The July 2024 issue of He Kete Kōrero marks the mid-point of the year, as we cel...

Six headshots female and male

08 Jul 2024

Funding awarded to continue critical cancer research

Lung cancer is the greatest single cancer contributor to the life expectancy gap...

Generic pic of male and female toilet symbols

05 Jul 2024

Incontinence common for New Zealand women

Nearly half of New Zealand women experience incontinence, but shouldn’t have to...

Car driving on the open roads of New Zealand.

12 Jun 2024

Wealthy Kiwis driving up transport emissions, study finds

The well off are contributing more than their fair share of greenhouse gas emiss...

Man smoking

11 Jun 2024

Time to refresh tobacco packaging and update warnings

New on-pack warning labels are needed on tobacco packaging to motivate and suppo...

Dr Miranda Buhler

07 Jun 2024

Mahi reveals physiotherapy disparities

Knowing where physiotherapy service disparities are is the first part of address...

Woman vaping

07 Jun 2024

Law change to curb vaping ineffective

Cheap, high-nicotine vapes remain widely available in low-income neighbourhoods...

Three headshots of female researchers

27 May 2024

HRC awards $3.7 million to Otago researchers

Antibiotic resistance is increasing at an alarming rate, causing global concern....


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