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Broad research streams

  • Psychological interventions (including psychopharmacological and cognitive-behavioural therapy). Research activity here ranges from psychopharmacological to cognitive-behavioural therapies and includes work with consumers and government agencies.
  • Clinical education: projects include undergraduate, postgraduate and workforce issues. The foci of these projects include undergraduate and postgraduate medical, supervision, and workforce issues.

Current and recent research projects and some of the relevant publications

  • Suicide and Mental Health Research GroupTe Rōpū Rangahau i te Mate Whakamomori me te Hauora Hinengaro
  • World of DifferenceHe Ao Whakatoihara kore
  • Evaluation of the Towards Well-being Programme, a programme to monitor young people accessing Child Youth and Family Services who are at risk of suicide
  • Randomised Controlled Trial of an Ultra-brief Intervention for Common Mental Health Syndromes in Primary Care
  • Sleep and Psychiatric disorder
  • Mood and the Menstrual Cycle
  • Psychiatric Effects of Abuse (Trauma)
  • Does Training to Act In-role Facilitate Consultation Skills Learning Through Role Play
  • Mental Health: Development of a Self-Assessed Measure of Consumer Recovery Outcome
  • Enhancing Engagement for Adolescent Mental Health Treatment
  • Mental Incapacity in Forensic Patients
  • Metaphor in cognitive behaviour therapy
  • "What Works": Positive employment experiences in open employment of mental health service users
  • Weight gain and physical activity in forensic inpatients
  • "Damaged" & "Difficult": Deconstructing the disempowering discourses that dominate refugee resettlement
  • Forensic mental health rehabilitation outcomes
  • Psychiatric co-morbidities in people with autistic spectrum conditions and intellectual disabilities
  • Motivational interviewing as an adjunct to cognitive behavioural therapy in adolescents
  • Online social networking and mental health
  • Psychological adjustment to lower limb amputation
  • Pain experiences and coping in stroke and spinal cord injury
  • Clinician's emotional and cognitive responses to suicidal clients
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