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This page is about the Department of Public Health contribution to the University of Otago medical degree.

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This website has been assembled to help medical students learn about public health from movies (commercially-released feature films). These movies were identified through a selection process that considered public health issues and also entertainment value (ie, nearly all have a score of ≥ 7/10 on the “Rotten Tomatoes” website). DVDs of all these movies are available for free for students and staff from the library at the University of Otago, Wellington.

The 35 top-ranked public health related movies (grouped by subject area)

Infectious diseases and pandemics:

Nutrition and food systems:

Climate change and energy:

Healthcare systems:

Tobacco control:

Public policy / corporate power:

Environmental health:

Developing countries:

Other eg:

Learning about psychiatry at the movies (with some movies also relevant to public health)

Background Report: Full list of 503 movies considered for the study on “Madness at the Movies: Prioritised Movies for Self-Directed Learning by Medical Students”

See this list of 10 movies we have selected for medical student self-learning (with all these freely available at the library – University of Otago, Wellington).

Related publications


Associate Professor Nick Wilson
Department of Public Health
University of Otago, Wellington
PO Box 7343
Wellington South 6242
New Zealand
Tel 64 4 385 5541 ext 6469
Fax 64 4 389 5319

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