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Funding available for Māori and Pacific Peoples conference travel

The University of Otago Graduate Research School has funding available to assist our Māori and indigenous Pacific graduate research candidates (doctoral and masters thesis) to travel to conferences in New Zealand and overseas.

More information can be found on the following website

Funding is limited and students must complete the application form to be considered

2022 Pacific Health Education Scholarships

The Pasifika Medical Association (PMA) offers eight scholarship categories worth $120,000 to assist our Pacific people into medical and health related careers from its Education Fund. The PMA Scholarship Awards have all been named after distinguished Life Members who have demonstrated exemplary service to improving the health and well-being of Pacific communities.

Scholarships are awarded on a yearly basis as a one-off grant. Grants go towards tuition and study related costs including living costs of the recipient whilst they are studying.

Applications close on Friday 27 May 2022.

Please contact: Memberships & Events Manager, Phaedra Moors for all enquiries.

For more information or to apply please visit: Pacific Health Education Scholarships 2022

2017 Pacific HRC funding application dates

The HRC has a number of Pacific health career development awards available for the 2017 funding round. Application dates are now available on the HRC's website for the following:

Please note: the application forms and guidelines on the HRC website for these awards are from the previous funding round (2016) and are for reference only. The 2017 application forms and guidelines will be available on the HRC website closer to the application opening dates.

The Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs one-stop-shop Funding tab with key information about funding for Pacific people, especially scholarships and grants specific to Pacific communities. Visit their website at:

The HRC Career Development Award (CDA) programme supports research training by providing a range of postgraduate and postdoctoral awards; and Health Research Development awards to individuals. For more information on these awards, please visit:

1. Pacific Health Research Career Development Awards

1.1 Masters' Scholarships
The Scholarship provides up to $10,000 towards one year of personal support plus fees and a $1,000 Tufungatika allowance, but no working expenses, for applicants completing the research component of a Master's degree.

1.2 PhD Scholarships
The Scholarship provides three years of personal support of up to $25,000 per annum, plus fees, up to $10,000 in total research working expenses and a Tufungatika allowance, for outstanding graduate applicants in any discipline whose proposed research programme is relevant to health.

1.3 Postdoctoral Fellowships
Pacific Health Research Postdoctoral Fellowships are available to applicants from all disciplines undertaking a research programme, which will contribute to health outcomes for Pacific. Postdoctoral fellowships must commence within two years of completion of a PhD. The Fellowships are to the value of $105,000 for research associated costs plus a salary at a postdoctoral fellow level, for three years.

1.4 Sir Thomas Davis Te Patu Kite Rangi Ariki Research Fellowship
The Davis Fellowship is available to support emerging researchers who have demonstrated outstanding potential to develop into highly skilled researchers. Applicants must have held a PhD or an equivalent degree for a minimum of four years but no more than eight years. The fellowship is to the value of $300,000 over two years comprising a total of $100,000 for research expenses and $100,000 per annum for salary and all other associated costs.

2. Pacific Health Research Development Awards

2.1 Summer studentship Awards
This Award provides $5,000 to introduce research to those undergraduate applicants who have the potential to develop in a career that may involve Pacific health research. Applications are sought from undergraduate applicants undertaking health related courses wishing to be involved in a Pacific health research project over the summer vacation.

2.2 Development Grants
Up to $10,000 is available to support Pacific health researchers in developing a project proposal for the Funding Round via one of four Research Investment Streams; Rangahau Hauora Maori, Health and Wellbeing in New Zealand, Improving Outcomes for Acute and Chronic Conditions in New Zealand, and New Zealand Health Delivery.





Greg Urwin Awards

Applications for the 2017 Greg Urwin Awards are now open.

About the Awards
The GUAs are a joint initiative of the Australian Government-funded Pacific Leadership Program (PLP) and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS). The Awards were established in 2008 to honour the memory and legacy of the former Secretary General of PIFS, the late Mr. Greg Urwin.

There are three grants valued at AUD$25,000 each for this round of the awards. They will be given to outstanding Pacific Island professionals, researchers and emerging leaders to undertake a short (up to 3 months) placement with a regional organisation or institution ( including in Australia and New Zealand) that has the potential to contribute to the positive development in the Pacific.

General Eligibility Criteria
Successful applicants will:

  1. Be citizens of Forum member Pacific Island countries (excluding New Zealand and Australia citizens or resident holders).
  2. Have completed, or will complete in 2017, a postgraduate qualification (Masters level or Ph.D level)
  3. Have confirmed a placement with a host national or regional organisation or institution.

Applicants must arrange their own placements and show exemplary academic achievement and leadership experience in their academic and/or professional field and in local community. Placements must commence in early February and end by May 2017. Applicants must be able to explain how their chosen placement will provide valuable professional experience, exposure to new ideas and create networks that will develop their leadership capacity in the Pacific Islands region.

Applications are sought from scholars and professionals in a diverse range of fields including the private sector, public sector, civil society, health sector and academia.

Priority Areas
At the request of the late Mr Urwin's family, special consideration will be given to applicants in the health sector who wish to pursue a project related to cancer awareness, treatment and/ or research.

To apply, please use the link below:


2017-18 New Zealand Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy and Practice

Established in 1925, the Harkness Fellowships were modeled after the Rhodes Scholarships and aim to produce the next generation of health policy leaders in participating countries. The Commonwealth Fund invites promising mid-career professionals—government policymakers, academic researchers, clinical leaders, hospital and insurance managers, and journalists—from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom—to apply for a unique opportunity to spend up to 12 months in the United States as a Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice.

The deadline for receipt of applications from New Zealand is September 6, 2016.

Learn more about the Fellowship:

Le Fonds Pacifique - 2014 Pacific Fund

2014 'Pacific Fund' Call for Proposals is now open. In New Zealand applications are to be submitted by 10 November 2013 for funding during 2014.

The application form is below (as well as its translation into English for information purposes only). Please note that applications have to be submitted in French by email to the Cultural and Scientific Counsellor at the Embassy of France in Wellington: Additional annexes in English or French may be attached but should be kept to a minimum.

Questions may be addressed to

For additional information please visit :

2014 Fiche-Projet

2014 Pacific Fund Application Form EN Translation


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