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BODE³ is an HRC-funded programme, funded from 2010-2015 and renewed for 2016-2021. Its goal is to estimate health and wider societal gains, costs, cost-effectiveness and equity impacts of health sector interventions, and build capacity in modelling of health sector interventions. There is also MBIE-funded BODE³ from 2014-2020.

BODE³ 2016-2021


  1. To estimate the health gains (total & equity-related), costs and cost-effectiveness of dietary and physical activity interventions.
  2. To estimate the health gains (total & equity-related), costs and cost-effectiveness of interventions targeted by absolute risk of cardiovascular disease.
  3. To estimate which preventive interventions maximally: gain health among working age adults; increase productivity and decrease welfare payments; increase quality of life among older people.

How we do this:


We are closely integrated with these NZ projects:

The New Zealand Census Mortality and CancerTrends Study
DIET Programme (hosted by University of Auckland)
The Healthier Lives Challenge - He Oranga Hauora
The Virtual Health Information Network

We collaborate with a range of research teams:

PREDICT/VIEWUniversity of Auckland
Centre for Health PolicyMelbourne University (Prof Phillip Clarke, Dr Linda Cobiac and colleagues)
Nuffield Department of Population HealthOxford University (Dr Peter Scarborough and colleagues)
Centre for Diet and Activity ResearchCambridge University (Dr Woodcock, Dr Mytton and colleagues)
Institute of Health Policy and ResearchErasmus University (Dr Pieter van Baal)

Overview of the funded "programmes" within BODE³

hrc_logoHealth Research Council of NZ Programme Grant funding for BODE³:

  • 2016-2021: Focusing on preventive interventions (diet, physical activity, interventions targeted by level of cardiovascular disease risk) and morbidity and productivity costs around the retirement age
  • 2010-2015: Focused on cancer control and preventive interventions, and capacity building

Health Research Council of NZ Programme Grant funding for the University of Auckland hosted DIET Programme, specifically:

  • Objective 2: A Virtual Supermarket experiment of price variations in foods to generate improved price elasticities for modelling food taxes and subsidies
  • Objective 5: Health gain and cost modelling of front of pack food labelling (randomised trial in Objective 1 of this DIET Programme), food reformulation (Objective 3 of this DIET Programme) and food price interventions (i.e. Objective 2 above)

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment programme funding, 2014-2020, focusing on:

  • 2014-16: Rapid assessment of multiple interventions
  • 2016-19: In-depth research to improve quality of parameters identified in the initial modelling that cause large uncertainty in QALYs gained or cost outputs
  • 2019-20: Update of modelling, with improved input parameters from in-depth research



BODE³ Programme
Department of Public Health
University of Otago, Wellington
PO Box 7343
Wellington South 6242
New Zealand
Tel +64 4 918 5072

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