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Kaiāwhina and Te Rōpū

Te Tari Mātai Kararehe (The Department of Zoology) has a kaiāwhina who provides support to Māori students.

Our current kaiāwhina is Dr Jo Monks (email).

Our kaiāwhina is supported by Te Rōpū, a group of staff and postgraduate students who meet regularly to discuss how to improve our department's engagement with Te Ao Māori and the support that is available to Māori students. We organise events during Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, and facilitate meetings between students. If you have ideas for events or support that we can provide, please get in touch. The current membership of Te Rōpū is:

Staff: Travis Ingram (chair, email), Jo Monks, Mark Lokman, Stephanie Godfrey, Amandine Sabadel, Bart Geurten, Janelle Te Raki, Jerusha Bennett

Students: Manaia Pearmain-Fenton, Thor Elley


Our Department's waiata expresses our commitment to understanding and protecting the animals of Aotearoa New Zealand. For writing and teaching us the waiata, ngā mihi nui to Mariana Te Pou, Kaiārahi Pūtaiao, Division of Sciences.

Ngā hau e whā i huihui tātou
Tuarā te ora o ngā kararehe
O Papa, o Tāne, o Tangaroa

Manaakitia te ora o te taiao
Tuarā te ora o ngā kararehe
O Papa, o Tāne, o Tangaroa
O Papa, o Tāne, o Tangaroa

Tuarā te ora o ngā kararehe

Guidance for examiners of tauira Māori theses

The University of Otago's Vision 2040 and Māori Strategic Framework along with the Māori Language Policy all encourage and support the integration of te ao Māori (Māori world view), te reo Māori (Māori language) and tikanga Māori (Māori customs) into all aspects of the university, including post-graduate research and writing. The Department of Zoology strongly supports tauira Māori (Māori students) to include their identity as Māori in their research and writing and have developed guidance for examiners of tauira Māori theses. The intention of this document is to ensure examiners are aware of the importance of this inclusion of te ao Māori, understand that choosing to share this knowledge is significant and represents a taonga (treasure) in itself, and respect and value the contribution it makes to the work as a whole.

For more information see: Guidance for examiners of tauira Māori theses

Other Resources

Māori ki Ōtākou, including the University of Otago Māori Strategic Framework 2030

Māori Centre | Te Huka Mātauraka

Ngāi Tahu Research Consultation Committee

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