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Paper Code Year Title Points Teaching period
MFCO401 2025 Advanced Media, Film and Communication Theory 30 Semester 1
MFCO406 2025 Audience Studies 30 Not offered in 2025
MFCO408 2025 Screening Gender 30 Not offered in 2025
MFCO410 2025 Documentary Film and Media 30 Not offered in 2025
MFCO411 2025 Independent Study in Media, Film and Communication 30 Semester 1
MFCO412 2025 Communicating the Self 30 Not offered in 2025
MFCO414 2025 Discourse Theory and Practice 30 Semester 2
MFCO441 2025 Special Topic: Digital Asia 30 Not offered in 2025
MFCO490 2025 Dissertation 60 Full Year, 1st Non standard period
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