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Paper Code Year Title Points Teaching period
THEA322 2025 Theatre of Australasia 18 Not offered in 2025
THEA324 2025 Aspects of Contemporary Theatre and Performance 18 Not offered in 2025
THEA341 2025 Advanced Writing for the Stage and Screen 18 Semester 1
THEA351 2025 Performing Shakespeare 18 Semester 1
THEA352 2025 Directing 18 Semester 2
THEA354 2025 Creating Theatre 18 Not offered in 2025
THEA356 2025 Design for Theatre and Performance 18 Semester 2
THEA357 2025 Special Topic 18 Not offered in 2025
THEA358 2025 The Working Dramaturg 18 Semester 1
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