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Thursday 6 April 2017 2:29pm

Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research, along with A Better Start and the Healthier Lives National Science Challenges, presented this free public forum on The 'cost' of sugar at Auckland City Hospital on Thursday 16 March, 2017. The forum was recorded by Radio New Zealand and broadcast on Friday 14 April, 2017.

Professor's Jim Mann, Jacqueline Rowarth and Tony Blakely, expertly chaired by  renowned broadcaster Kim Hill, brought a real sense of energy and humour to this complex and controversial topic. The result was a lively exposé of what we really know, and still don't know, about the cost of sugar in our society.

Listen to the radio broadcast:

The 'cost' of sugar, Radio New Zealand website, 12 April, 2017 (51mins, 30sec)

Sugar in the news

The truth about sugar: How much sugar should Kiwis have? NZ Herald website, 23 April, 2017

Photographs from the forum

(photographer: Billy Wong)

Cost of sugar panel 650
The 'cost' of sugar panel from left: Tony Blakely, Jacqueline Rowarth, Jim Mann and Kim Hill.

Jim Mann talks about sugar
Jim Mann explains the cost of sugar to our health, and the World Health Organisation guidelines for sugar intake.

Questions from Kim Hill on sugar
Kim Hill questions Jacqueline Rowarth about the cost to sugar producing nations, if sugar intake is reduced.

Tony Blakely on sugar taxes
Tony Blakely outlines the evidence that a tax on sugary drinks not only reduces consumption, but can influence product formulation.

The panel talks sugar
The 'cost' of sugar panel discuss the economics of reducing sugar in New Zealand.

The 'cost' of sugar forum
The 'cost' of sugar forum, held at the Clinical Education Centre, Auckland City Hospital, 16 March, 2017.

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