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Do you need some help completing your application form?

Here, you'll find information to help you complete and submit your application.

What sections do I need to complete?

If you only require Delegated Authority – please complete sections 1 and 3 only.

If you require Delegated Authority and need access to Finance One to approve transactions – please complete all sections.

User information section

Ledger Access
General Ledger – Access will usually be provided at the Divisional OR Cost Centre Level. Access may be granted at the Activity Centre level for larger departments where appropriate.

Projects Ledger – Please select only ONE option. Access can be provided at either the Cost Centre Level OR the Principal Investigator OR the Administrator (these are the staff nominated by the Department and whose names appear against the project code).

Please note – Where the project is operating in more than one Department and access to accounts across both departments is required, a separate DSA Form would be required.

Delegation per transaction
Please select only ONE option. You MUST stipulate an amount. For example full delegation on behalf of a HoD or Cost Centre Manager would be $75,000. Lesser amounts (restricted delegation) can also be stated. If you are only processing but not approving a transaction you can state the amount of $0.01.

Finance One access requirements section

Document Processing
Please only tick the roles required.

This type of Role enables a user to process a range of documents, AP (Accounts Payable), AR (Accounts Receivable), GL (General Ledger), Purchase Card (Coding PCard transactions), Budgeting, Purchasing (Finance One Purchasing), Assets (access to the Assets Register). Note Re Budgeting. If you are required to create and maintain budgets within Finance One, please select the Budget Officer Role. If you are required to perform budget ledger enquiries please select the appropriate GL Role.

These types of Roles are typically for Admin type staff, e.g. Finance or Departmental Administrators.

Document Enquiry
Please only tick the roles required.

This type of Role enables a user to only look up information (or enquire) within Finance One.

These types of Roles are typically for a range of Academic and General staff who need to view information only.

It is possible to mix and match roles – the important thing is to tick only the roles you actually need.

Reports to Username

MUST be completed if you select the AP Document Processing or Purchasing Role.

AP Workflow Pools

MUST be completed if you select AP Document Processing Role. This is normally your Cost Centre(s).

Approver Section

  • Departments/Cost Centres: this will your HoD (or above)
  • Divisional Services and Administration: this will be your Senior Manager.
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