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Postgraduate students are valuable part of the Mackenzie Cancer Research Group.

We have a number of cancer related research opportunities for a range of qualifications available.

PhD opportunities

During your PhD study with the Mackenzie Cancer Research Group you will be working alongside other postgraduate students and postdoctoral scientists from around the world.

You will be guided and supervised by experienced scientists and clinicians to ensure you achieve your research goals.

We have several research projects ready for prospective students, or we can tailor a project for a particular study within our area of research interests.

Cancer related PhD projects currently available

Scholarships for PhD study

Scholarships for postgraduate study are available and depend largely on academic merit, including those from the University of Otago.

Biomedical Honours opportunities

We offer a one year biomedical sciences honours degree for students who have completed an approved undergraduate science degree from any New Zealand university, and are interested in a career in health research.

The Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours (BBiomedSc(Hons)) is an excellent stepping stone to PhD study within our group.

Biomedical science honours projects available for 2018

*This project has already been selected by a prospective BBiomedSc(Hons) student.

Summer student internships

We regularly host summer students during November–January. Our potential projects are advertised by the Research Office from September.

Useful information

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