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Māori Language Policy

There are a number of options available to University of Otago staff to learn Te Reo Māori, the Māori language, and further extend their language skills. The University provides a 100% subsidy on fees for Māori language papers where an application to do so has been approved.

See the University's Māori Language Policy

Te Tumu

Study Te Reo Māori Papers

Listed below is a list of Stage 1 language papers you can enrol for through Te Tumu.

Using Māori language in the University - booklet

A useful resource for staff who are learning te reo Māori and want to practice what they know is the booklet "Using Māori Language in the University". This booklet was developed to help staff incorporate some Māori language into their everyday life, as well as the wider life of the University.

Using Māori Language in the University (PDF format, 224KB)

Café Reo - informal learning for beginners, and for more advanced speakers

Cafe Reo provides an opportunity to learn some basic language in an informal, small group setting, practice the language you already know, or extend on your reo, depending on your language level.

In recent years, a centralised language learning 'nest' has been run in different formats for all staff.   This has included informal gatherings over lunch to kōrero Māori, and classroom learning with a fluent Māori language speaker in an informal setting.

In 2014, Divisions and Departments are initiating their own language learning opportunities, from informal lunch time sessions, to workshops with an introduction to the language.

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