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64 3 479 7145
Associate Professor
Research summary
Veterinary pharmaceutics and delivery of bioactives


  • Drug delivery for veterinary species and the application of pharmaceutical formulation for wildlife applications
  • Assessment and formulation of antioxidant phytochemicals

Current projects:

  • Polymeric nanoparticles for delivery of peptides and proteins
  • Oral delivery of biocontrol agents to the brushtail possum
  • In vivo evaluation of formulations
  • Delivery of anesthetics to laboratory animals
  • Pre-formulation of antioxidant phytochemicals

McDowell Lab Group website


Rooney, J. S., McDowell, A., Strachan, C. J., & Gordon, K. C. (2015). Evaluation of vibrational spectroscopic methods to identify and quantify multiple adulterants in herbal medicines. Talanta, 138, 77-85. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.02.016 Journal - Research Article

Chiu, J. Z. S., Tucker, I. G., McLeod, B. J., & McDowell, A. (2015). Arginine-tagging of polymeric nanoparticles via histidine to improve cellular uptake. European Journal of Pharmaceutics & Biopharmaceutics, 89, 48-55. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2014.11.014 Journal - Research Article

Ou, Z.-Q., Schmierer, D. M., Rades, T., Larsen, L., & McDowell, A. (2013). Application of an online post-column derivatization HPLC-DPPH assay to detect compounds responsible for antioxidant activity in Sonchus oleraceus L. leaf extracts. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology, 65(2), 271-279. doi: 10.1111/j.2042-7158.2012.01591.x Journal - Research Article

Kafka, A. P., McLeod, B. J., Rades, T., & McDowell, A. (2011). Release and bioactivity of PACA nanoparticles containing D-Lys6-GnRH for brushtail possum fertility control. Journal of Controlled Release, 149(3), 307-313. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2010.10.029 Journal - Research Article

McDowell, A., Assink, L., Musgrave, R., Soper, H., Norris, P., & Williams, C. (2011). Comparison of prescribing and dispensing processes between veterinarians and pharmacists in New Zealand: Are there opportunities for cooperation? Pharmacy Practice, 9(1), 23-30. Journal - Research Article

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