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Thesis title

Use of Silicon Oil in Hand Rehabilitation

Area of study

Hand Therapy


  • Dr Meredith Perry, Lecturer, Centre for Health, Activity, and Rehabilitation Research, School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago
  • Dr Gisela Sole, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Health, Activity, and Rehabilitation Research, School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago


  • Prof Alan Thurston, University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Education background

  • 2006, MPhty (Distinction), University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
  • 1986, DipPhty, Auckland Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand


  • Donaldson, G., & Johnson, G. (2014) Silicon oil in hand rehabilitation. An Australian survey. Wrist and Hand Meeting-New Zealand Orthopaedic Association. Queenstown, New Zealand, 13-17th April: 30
  • Donaldson, G., & Johnson, G. (2006) The Clinical Relevance of Hand Preference and Laterality. Physical Therapy Reviews 11:


  • 2015 New Zealand Orthopaedic Surgeons Conference: Silicon Oil an Australasian Survey
  • 2013 New Zealand Occupational Health National Conference. The Role of Hand Therapy


  • 2005 New Zealand Association Hand Therapists Award for best research paper

Why you choose the School of Physiotherapy?

I found the school a very supportive learning environment that, due to its set up for distance learning students, I was able to study even as a working mother of 4 without leaving home.

Best things so far about your study

That I can closely examine in a scientific way an area of my clinical practice that has intrigued me for years.



Gail Donaldson phd profile

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