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Tuesday 5 September 2017 3:16pm

SJWRI Research Day 2017, highlighting the research achievements of the University of Otago's Sir John Walsh Research Institute and Faculty of Dentistry, was held on Tueday 5 September at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery. Now in its eleventh year, the Institute's annual celebration of research excellence moved back to its traditional single-day duration while retaining the specialised concurrent sessions focusing on each of our SJWRI research programmes. meaning more of our staff and students could present their work to peers, fellow researchers from across the University, industry professionals and dental practitioners.

Programme and Abstract Book for SJWRI Research Day 2017 (PDF)

The meeting opened with keynote presentations from invited speakers Professor Peter Hunter (Auckland Bioengineering Institute and Medical Technologies CoRE, University of Auckland) and Professor Alan Brook (University of Adelaide and Queen Mary University of London). Other invited speakers included Professor Stephen Robertson of the Department of Womens' and Childrens' Health and A/Prof Roslyn Kemp of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. Concurrent sessions in the areas of oral molecular and immunopathology, clinical and translational research, biomaterials, molecular microbiology and craniofacial research highlighted the research of our staff and students, before a presentation from sponsor representative Stephen Langdon of 3M Oral Care, and a reflective keynote address from Professor Mike Morgan, Head of the Melbourne Dental School (and Otago Dentistry graduate) closed the meeting. The day concluded with presentation of the SJWRI Awards for 2017 and farewell drinks in the ODT Gallery.

SJWRI Research Day 2017 Programme 650px

Research Day presentation awards

Awards were presented to the best student oral presenter in each of the five session blocks, as well as the best student and staff poster competition entries. Congratulations to the following presentation award winners:

Oral presentation awards
Biomaterials/Molecular Microbiology (combined session)

Lisa Falland, PhD candidate
Anatomical skin/skull/brain model to measure impact force transfer and displacement upon blunt force impact (L Falland-Cheung, JN Waddell, KC Li, DC Tong, PA Brunton)
Clinical & Translational Research Assil Russell, DClinDent candidate (Endodontics)

The Butterfly Effect: An investigation of sealer penetration and adaptation in root canals (AA Russell, NP Chander, LT Friedlander
Craniofacial Research Fiona Firth, DClinDent candidate (Orthodontics)
A human periodontal ligament cell mechanical strain culture model for the study of endoplasmic reticulum stress (F Firth, T Milne, B Seo, M Farella)
Dental Epidemiology & Public Health/Paediatric Dentistry (combined session)

Nina Scott, DClinDent candidate (Endodontics)
Dental trauma in New Zealand adults: a secondary analysis of national survey and ACC data (N Scott, WM Thomson, P Cathro)
Oral Molecular & Immunopathology Nawal Abdul Rahman, DClinDent candidate (Oral Pathology)
Expression of the Lysyl Oxidase family in odontogenic lesions (
NA Rahman, B Seo, H Hussaini, AM Rich
Poster presentation awards

Ashley The, BOH student, NZDA R.C Tonkin Summer Scholarship recipient

Impacts of space disruptions on a Dental School learning environment (A The, L Adam (presenter), A Meldrum, P Brunton)

Staff Dr Joanne Jung Eun Choi, Lecturer
Bond strength between modern denture base acrylics and reline materials (J Choi, TE Ng, CK Leong, HS Kim, P Li, W Jansen van Vuuren, N Waddell)

The SJWRI Awards for 2017 were also presented as part of the closing session.

SJWRI Research Day 2017 Awards 650pxWinners of SJWRI Awards and Research Day Presentation Awards for 2017.
Left to right: (back row) Dr KC Li (Staff Research Publication Award), Professor Richard Cannon (SJWRI Director), Prof Warwick Duncan (Sir John Walsh Award), Lisa Falland (Oral Presentation Award/Postgraduate Research Publication Award), Fiona Firth (Oral Presentation Award); (front row) Nawal Abdul Rahman (Oral Presentation Award), Dr Joanne Choi (Undergraduate Research Supervisor Award/Staff Poster Award), Dr Carolina Loch (Strategic Research Prize), Assil Russell (Oral Presentation Award)

3M LogoSJWRI Research Day 2017 was made possible by the continued generous support of 3M Oral Care.

IADR NZ logo 186px SJWRI Research Day 2017 was supported by the IADR New Zealand Section.

SJWRI Research Day 2017 Programme Cover 186pxProgramme and abstracts

SJWRI Research Day 2017 Peter Hunter 186pxProfessor Peter Hunter.

SJWRI Research Day 2017 Alan Brook 186pxProfessor Alan Brook.

SJWRI Research Day 2017 Students 186pxDClinDent students Frances Ruddiman and Phillippa Greer.

SJWRI RS16 morning tea 186pxThanks to the Dunedin Public Art Gallery for hosting another successful SJWRI Research Day.

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