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Students who have completed a Bachelor of Arts in Te Tumu and have graduated can elect to do a year of advanced coursework. This fourth year of study in Māori Studies, Pacific Islands Studies or Indigenous Development enables students to hone their research and writing skills, including the writing of a 20,000 word research dissertation where students are required to complete a research project of their own choice. This enables you to demonstrate to prospective employers that you have key analytical and written skills.

The Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons)) degree is an academically demanding programme. The aim of the Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons)) is to help students become highly skilled, versatile, independent thinkers with the research experience, information literacy, communication and interpersonal skills necessary for an advanced professional career or further academic study at the Master's or PhD level.

Programme requirements

Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons)) in Māori Studies


For more information on the Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree.
For a list of 400-level papers.
For some examples of completed Honours dissertations.

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Regulations on this page are taken from the 2023 Calendar and supplementary material.

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