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This page is about the Department of Public Health contribution to the University of Otago medical degree.

Learn more about the University of Otago medical degree

In 2019 the Department of Public Health introduced a new and innovative five-week module that aims to give students the knowledge and skills they will need to practice medicine with a public health perspective, whatever their future specialty. Students are exposed to a wide range of clinical and public health actions available to help prevent disease, reduce inequities, and promote health for their patients and the wider community. It is based on the latest knowledge (national and international) and applied to the Aotearoa New Zealand context using a range of practical activities based on topical and real-life scenarios. The module has some shared sessions with General Practice and integrates some Hauora Māori and Pacific Health teaching.

Before 2019 the module included a group research project. A list of completed projects and publications can be found below.

Fourth year medical student projects

A list of former fourth year medical student projects.

Fourth year medical student publications

A list of former medical student publications that are from fourth year public health projects.

Movies used for undergraduate public health teaching

A list of movies used for undergraduate public health teaching.


Amanda D'Souza
Undergraduate Programme Convenor
Department of Public Health
University of Otago, Wellington
PO Box 7343
Wellington South 6242
Tel +64 4 385 5516
Fax +64 4 389 5319

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