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The Department of Surgery and Anaesthesia conducts a broad spectrum of research, ranging from translational science to clinical studies. Our research interests cover a broad range of surgical disciplines, as well as anaesthesia, emergency medicine and cardiovascular physiology and medicine.

There are opportunities for higher research degrees within the department (Master of Medical Science or PhD). For further information, please contact Kirsty Danielson.


In addition, we offer research support for surgical house officers and registrars working on clinical projects. This can include study design, ethics applications, data analysis, and presenting or publishing research. We have a number of academic staff experienced in doing this who are happy to provide support, from one-off meetings to offer guidance, all the way through to collaborating with you to make research work.

If you would like to access any level of research help, please email us to set up an initial meeting:


There are two research groups within the department:

Thinking of PHD study?

At the University of Otago, Wellington we are committed to providing doctoral level research training of the highest calibre.
More information...

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