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Category Student Services
Type Policy
Approved by Vice-Chancellor, 14 April 2008
Date Policy Took Effect 14 April 2008
Last approved revision 27 February 2017
Sponsor Director, Student and Academic Services
Responsible officer Director, Student and Academic Services


To set out the requirements for the issuing of and holding of University of Otago Identity Cards.

Organisational scope

This policy applies to all University of Otago Identity Cards.


Employed on a permanent, fixed term or casual employment agreement.
Visitor and Guest
This category includes people not employed directly by the University, but who are undertaking research, sabbatical, consultancy, or similar activities.
This category includes contractors and sub-contractors. The individuals may work for companies or be sole-traders and consultants.


  1. Card Issue

    1. Cards are issued only to those who have been validated or approved to hold a card.
      1. Student Administration validates students as enrolled via the Student Management System.
      2. Human Resources validate staff members as employed via an active record in the Payroll system.
      3. Heads of Department approve visitors and guests via completion of the External Username/ID Card Access Request form.
      4. Health & Safety Compliance approve contractors via the Approved Contractor system.
    2. Proof of identity is required for a card to be issued, in accordance with section 2 below.
    3. Cards are issued by the ID Card Office on the Dunedin campus.   There are alternative arrangements on the ID Card webpage for those located elsewhere.
    4. The type of card issued will depend on the relationship between the individual and the University.
  2. Identification

    1. The following are the only valid forms of photo identification accepted by the ID Card Office:
      1. Passport
      2. New Zealand Drivers Licence
      3. Hospitality New Zealand 18+ Card
      4. New Zealand Firearms Licence
      5. Preceding year's University of Otago student ID Card.
    2. In the event that applicants are unable to provide one of these forms of identification, a “Proof of Identity” form must be completed. This form is available from the ID Card Office.
  3. Cardholder Responsibilities

    1. Those holding an ID Card are bound by the terms of issue and use.  The terms are provided at time of issue, or are available from the ID Card Office.
    2. Cards remain the property of the University of Otago.
    3. Once an individual ceases to be eligible to hold a card, the card must be returned to the University unless it was issued for a specific period of time.  The time period will be displayed on the card:
      1. Student cards are issued for each year, and therefore do not need to be returned unless the student is seeking a part refund of the Student Services Fee during the year under the Fees Exemption Regulations.
      2. Staff cards are issued indefinitely and therefore must be returned at the end of employment.
      3. Emeritus Professors may retain their staff card once paid employment ceases.
      4. Visitor, Guest, and Contractor cards are issued for a specific period of time and therefore do not need to be returned.
    4. University officials can request an individual produce their ID Card as proof of identity. This is to confirm:
      1. Eligibility for services or entitlements.
      2. Authorisation to access buildings, sites, or other areas under the control of the University.
      3. Authorisation to access or participate in external organisation activities that require proof of University identity.
  4. Cultural Considerations

    1. For the purpose of issuing a card, or for proof of identity, it is important an applicant's face is verified against a valid form of photo identification.
    2. The applicant's face must be clearly visible on the photo. Cultural headwear is acceptable if the face is visible.
    3. An appropriate private environment will be provided when necessary.
    4. Should an applicant request an alternative University official to undertake the identity check, and/or to take the photo, both parties must agree to the alternative person.

Related policies, procedures and forms

Contact for further information

If you have any queries regarding the content of this policy or need further clarification, contact:

The Director
Student and Academic Services

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