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Category Academic
Type Policy
Approved by Council, 14 December 2004
Date Policy Took Effect 1 January 2006
Last approved revision 30 June 2021
Sponsor Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible officer Director Student Experience


The Academic Progress Policy is intended to provide a benchmark for students of minimal academic achievement and a transparent and equitable process for students with academic performance problems.

Organisational scope

The Academic Progress Policy applies to undergraduate study of papers from 100-level through to 400-level, with the exception of specialised undergraduate Health Science programmes which have exclusion clauses in their own regulations. It applies to students transferring from other universities as if their previous study had been undertaken at the University of Otago.


Academic Unit (for the Purpose of this Policy)
Departments, Programmes, Centres, and Schools.
Back on Track Plan
For the purposes of this policy a document in which a student on Conditional Enrolment can review their barriers to satisfactory study, and outline plans to improve their academic performance.
Conditional Enrolment
A category of enrolment for students who have not made satisfactory academic progress and who are following a prescribed course of study.
Conditional Status
The designation for students who are currently enrolled under Conditional Enrolment or who will be enrolled under Conditional Enrolment next time they enrol in a course covered by this policy.
Course Approver
A staff member from the academic or professional staff, deputed to act on behalf of the University in approving students' course of study in certain categories (tiers).
Tier 1 course approval is system-based within eVision;
Tier 2 Course Approvers are based in Student Experience;
Tier 3 Course Approvers are based in Academic Units.
A Course Approver may or may not also be a Student Adviser.
Designated Adviser of Studies
A Divisionally-appointed staff member with authorisation to act as a Student Adviser and Course Approver for students on Conditional Enrolment.
Final Examination Only (FEO)
The opportunity for a student, upon failing an exam, to sit the exam only in the next period the paper is offered. This can only be granted once in a particular paper and only in the next period the paper is offered. If the FEO application is approved the student cannot attend any lectures, laboratories or tutorials, or receive assistance from Academic Staff. There is no access to electronic holdings of course material, or to printed material.
Prescribed course of study
The papers in which a student enrols while under Conditional Enrolment, which are chosen by the student in consultation with a Designated Adviser of Studies.
Points enrolled for
The sum points value of papers enrolled for (papers from which a student formally withdraws are not included in this total).
Recommencing student
A student who has previously been enrolled at the University of Otago, but not within the last two years.
Satisfactory academic progress
Passing half or more of the points enrolled for in a calendar year.
Student Adviser
A staff member from the University's professional or academic staff, nominated by an area and formally designated to provide course advice.
A student not currently permitted to enrol or access University services.
For the purposes of this policy a 12 month period of enrolment, which includes the Pre-Christmas Summer School, Summer School, first semester and second semester enrolment periods.



  1. The University sets minimum standards of academic performance. Students who are not achieving satisfactorily across their course of study will receive specifically-targeted advice and assistance as early as possible and appropriate, and the opportunity to be involved in planning their future study carefully with a Designated Adviser of Studies.
  2. Students will be restricted in the number of attempts they may make to pass any given paper.
  3. Students who fail to make satisfactory academic progress across their course of study (i.e. who fail to pass half or more of the points enrolled for in a calendar year) will be placed on Conditional Enrolment. In their next year of study, such students may enrol for a Prescribed Course of Study only, and if they pass fewer than half of the points enrolled for, they will be suspended from the University for the subsequent two calendar years. Students on Conditional Enrolment are required to engage with a Designated Adviser of Studies before any course is approved.

2.Repeating of Failed Papers

  1. A student may attempt to pass a given paper no more than three times. A student who has failed a paper three times shall not be permitted to re-enrol in that paper.
  2. Enrolling for Final Examination Only in the paper concerned, or enrolling in a paper with a different paper code which is specifically intended for students repeating the paper concerned, shall count as an attempt in terms of clause 2(a).
  3. In exceptional circumstances, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Division responsible for the relevant paper, or their nominee, may approve a variation to clause 2(a) and permit further enrolment in the paper.
  4. Students that have enrolled for a third time in a paper will be contacted at the start of the paper and provided with targeted advice from a Designated Adviser of Studies.

3.Conditional Enrolment

  1. Those students who do not pass half of the points enrolled for in a year will be advised that they will be placed on Conditional Enrolment the next Year they enrol.
  2. In the next year in which they enrol, students placed on Conditional Enrolment will be required to consult a Designated Adviser of Studies and enrol for a prescribed course of study.
  3. Each student placed on Conditional Enrolment will need to make formal application to enrol for a prescribed course of study, which must include provision of a satisfactory Back on Track Plan to a relevant Designated Adviser of Studies.
  4. A Designated Adviser of Studies will require a student on Conditional Enrolment to meet with them or make other suitable arrangements to discuss their Back on Track Plan.
  5. A Designated Adviser of Studies may approve a Conditional Enrolment student's course subject to such a discussion taking place.
  6. The prescribed course of study will be approved by the Designated Adviser of Studies, taking into account the student's previous academic record, previous experience and personal circumstances. Part-time study is permitted. The following restrictions will normally apply:
    1. no more than 54 points may be taken in each semester, and no more than 18 points in Summer School.
    2. no timetable clashes will be approved, and
    3. permission will not be granted to enrol in any papers for which pre-requisites have not been met.
  7. If a student placed on Conditional Enrolment has already been approved for Final Examination Only enrolment in one or more papers, the Designated Adviser of Studies may review that approval in consultation with the relevant Head(s) of Academic Unit. Such approval may be rescinded, if the Designated Adviser of Studies and Head of Academic Unit concerned consider that to be appropriate.
  8. Disagreements that cannot be resolved between a student on Conditional Enrolment and the Designated Adviser of Studies will be referred to the relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellor for resolution.
  9. The prescribed course of study will be reviewed after the first semester of the year under consideration. Any changes to the prescribed course of study shall require the approval of the Designated Adviser of Studies, and restrictions as detailed in 3(f) above shall continue to apply.
  10. If half or more of the points enrolled for in the prescribed course of study across the full year of Conditional Enrolment are passed, Conditional Status will be lifted.

4.Suspension from Study

  1. If fewer than half of the points enrolled for in the prescribed course of study across the full year of Conditional Enrolment are passed, the student will be suspended from the University for a period of two years.
  2. Any Final Examination Only approvals granted prior to suspension, and still to be taken up, will be cancelled upon suspension.
  3. A student suspended under the Academic Progress Policy may request a review of the suspension decision by the relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellor. Such requests, supported by documentation as appropriate, must be made in writing to the Director Student Experience within 14 days of the notification of suspension. Late applications will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.
  4. Students suspended under the Academic Progress Policy will be regarded as Recommencing Students if they register to return to study at the University of Otago after their suspension period. (For details on the admission requirements for Recommencing Students, see Clause 10.4 of the Admission to University Statute 2011.)
  5. Students who meet the requirements to return to study at the University after their suspension period will be placed on Conditional Enrolment in the year in which they recommence their studies.

5.Transferring Students and Subsequent Study

  1. The provisions of this policy shall be applied to students transferring from other tertiary institutions, with the academic record of such students being assessed at the point of transfer and the Academic Progress Policy being applied as if the academic record were a University of Otago record.
  2. Students suspended or excluded under the academic progress policies (or equivalent) of other tertiary institutions will not be permitted to transfer to the University of Otago until such time as that suspension has passed.
  3. A student with Conditional Status who is permitted to enrol in a course of study at the University of Otago that is not otherwise covered by this Policy and who passes half or more of the points enrolled for in a calendar year shall have Conditional Status lifted.

Related policies, procedures and forms

Contact for further information

If you have any queries regarding the content of this policy or need further clarification, contact:

Director Student Experience

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