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Wednesday, 14 December 2022

We are delighted to announce this year's 20Twenties Young Alumni Award winners. These trailblazing young graduates are already making their mark in their workplaces and communities across Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Callum August

The 20Twenties awards aim to celebrate and recognise graduates in their twenties who have demonstrated outstanding achievements, contributed widely to their communities, or have shown exceptional leadership in their personal or professional lives. Nominations for the awards are received from the wider Otago alumni community, friends, employers and colleagues.

Their achievements and contributions cover a wide range of interests and professions, include supporting vulnerable communities, promoting female cricket, inspiring alternative business careers, support of rangatahi in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), tackling climate change, Māori oral health equity, preserving the marine environment and youth-led innovation.

Alumni Engagement Manager Donnella Aitken-Ferguson says the calibre of all nominations was extremely high, and the panel of judges drawn from across the four academic Divisions at the University was faced with a difficult task.

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Sophie Dix

“The panel was very impressed with the range of significant professional achievements demonstrated by the graduates, alongside their commitment to the wellbeing of their communities through volunteer and leadership roles,” says Ms Aitken-Ferguson.

“These young alumni are all making incredible contributions to our society, many of them only recently out of university. Working within a variety of professions and communities, the common thread that binds them is their passion for what they do. We are very proud of the positive difference they are making to people's lives and futures, here in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world.”

20Twenties Young Alumni Award recipients for 2022

Callum August (Te Whānau-ā-Apanui) BSc(Hons), for involvement in community engagement and school outreach programmes.

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Anna Campbell

Louie Bernhardt BSc(Hons), for leadership and support of others in the maths and statistics community.

Ashlee Berryman BSc, in recognition of voluntary work supporting vulnerable communities.

Olivia Burn BSc(Hons), PhD, in recognition of advances being made due to her research into cancer metastasis.

Anna Campbell BA, BCom, MEntre, in recognition of inspiring future generations of students into alternative business careers.

Abigail Clark BA, BSc, MPCS, in recognition of support to young people facing cancer and of vulnerable communities.

Jessamie Davidson BSc, MSpDM, in recognition of significant contribution to the growth and exposure of female cricket within Otago.

Sophie Dix BA(Hons), in recognition of bettering community through work in sexual violence prevention and education.

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Claudia Grave

Claudia Grave BAppSci, BCom, for work in tackling climate change through changing workplace cultures.

Sharon Iose BSc, PGDipSci, for enabling the health and wellbeing of her community and making a positive impact through her research and outreach activities.

Ajay Kumar BSc, BPharm, for promotion of holistic health care and mentoring undergraduate students.

Kura Lacey (Te Arawa, Ngāruahine) BDS, in recognition of work to deliver equitable access to oral health services.

Melissa Lama BA, MBA, in recognition of work to create an environment where minority groups are well supported.

Sarah Manktelow BASc, in recognition of passion and commitment for conservation and nature.

Amelia Mannering BSc, MSc, in recognition of scientific work to preserve our marine environment.

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Kura Lacey

Hannah Moore BA, for giving back to the community and making positive changes in the lives of youth.

Margaret-Rae Rhian Clark (Ngāti Awa) BDS, in recognition for work championing Māori oral health equity.

Troy Ruhe (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ma'uke) BPhed(Hons), PhD, for research which positively impacts Pacific communities.

Finn Shewell BA, for commitment to furthering youth-led innovation in New Zealand.

Cherokee Walters (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Te Arawa), BSc, PGDipSci, in recognition of support for the application of science in the commercial world and for support of rangatahi in STEM.

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