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Tuesday 14 May 2019 1:57pm

Congratulations to everyone who graduated with a degree from the Otago Biochemistry Department on Saturday.

Thirty graduands, with their families and friends, came to a special morning tea at the department to celebrate their achievements, including three PhDs, one MSc, five BSc(Hons), twelve BSc, eight BBiomedSc and one BAppSc (Hons) across a variety of subject majors.

Head of Department Prof Catherine Day gave a speech, and flowers were presented to all of the graduands before they left to prepare for graduation later in the day.

HOD Prof Catherine Day presents PhD graduate Tyler McInnes with a bouquet of flowers at the Biochemistry graduation morning tea.

HOD Prof Catherine Day presents PhD graduate Tyler McInnes with a bouquet of flowers at the Biochemistry graduation morning tea.

At the at the town hall science graduation ceremony, Biochemistry's Professor Peter Dearden gave a heart-felt address urging graduates to speak out for science.

He said that unless graduates spoke out for scientific critical thinking "we will never be able to ensure that knowledge will improve the human condition for all of us, and we will be lost in the depth of a new lie-filled dark age".

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Graduands, family, friends and staff celebrate graduation with morning tea in the reading room.

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Top from left: Oliver McCullough, Padraig (Paddy) Taaffe, and Emma Muir; middle: Shannon White; bottom from left: Emily Rhoades, Assoc Prof Liz Ledgerwood.

A huge thank you to Lois, Kay, Alan, and Sigurd for help with all the behind the scenes work - the morning tea ran like clockwork. Also thank you to those who helped to shift the furniture.

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