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Associate Professor
Bioethics Centre
Research summary
Research with human subjects, justice, vulnerability, reproductive technologies, precision medicine, AI and date ethics
  • Undergraduate medical education
    • Fourth- and fifth-year professional skills attitudes and ethics (PSAE) sessions and essays
    • Abortion and paediatric ethics tutorials
  • Postgraduate guest lectures / workshops on research ethics


Angela’s research interests include research with human subjects, justice, vulnerability, reproductive technologies, AI and data ethics. Angela has broad research interests, an interdisciplinary focus and is adept at working in diverse cultural and academic settings.? She has worked in the United States, England, Singapore, Geneva, Australia, and New Zealand; and in schools/departments of medicine, public health, primary health care, political science, and philosophy. She is a frequent visiting research scholar at Yale University and the National University of Singapore. She has been President of the International Association of Bioethics. She has a BSc in Genetics and Molecular Biology and PhD in Bioethics. Angela also has experience in qualitative research and deliberative engagement including running focus groups, interviews, and a citizens’ juries.


Angela values collaborating and working with people outside of academia. ?She has worked in plant genetics and in the Human Genetics unit at World Health Organization in Geneva.? She regularly serves as a bioethics expert on national New Zealand committees and international working groups.? She has served on expert committees for covid immunisation policy and research ethics review (e.g. HDECs); and is currently on the National AI and Algorithm Expert Advisory Group and the Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technologies in New Zealand. She speaks often on gender and fat bias for private companies, medical specialities and public sector agencies. ?Angela is a founding board member of the charity Birth Trauma Aotearoa, and a member of the PLATIPUS ethics working group (pregnancy related research).

Angela's work focuses on research ethics, and questions of global health and justice. Her current projects include:

  • AI and emerging digital technologies in clinical care
  • Gender and fat bias in medicine
  • Precision medicine
  • Research ethics (specifically justice and fair inclusion
  • Data ethics
  • Birth trauma


Ballantyne, A., & Style, R. (2024). Can P4 support family involvement and best interests in surrogate decision-making? American Journal of Bioethics, 24(7), 56-58. doi: 10.1080/15265161.2024.2353817 Journal - Research Other

Ballantyne, A., Steers, D., & Gray, L. (2023). Prompting lifestyle interventions to promote weight loss is safe, effective and patient-centred: No. Journal of Primary Health Care, 15(4), 385-387. doi: 10.1071/HC23163 Journal - Research Article

Ballantyne, A. (2023). Potential risks and benefits of using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in clinical communication. Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) Conference: Ka mua, ka muri: Bridging communication pasts and futures. (pp. 131). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Towns, C., & Ballantyne, A. (2023). Blowing the whistle on mixed gender hospital rooms in Australia and New Zealand: A human rights issue. Journal of Medical Ethics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1136/jme-2023-109080 Journal - Research Article

Koo, Y. E., Allen, C., Ballantyne, A., & Yassaie, E. (2023). Androcentric bias in surgical equipment: What challenges do women face? American Journal of Surgery. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2023.09.049 Journal - Research Article

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