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Six headshots female and male

08 Jul 2024

Funding awarded to continue critical cancer research

Lung cancer is the greatest single cancer contributor to the life expectancy gap...

Bowel cancer generic thumbnail 650

09 May 2024

Early onset bowel cancer on the rise

There’s a fresh call for a lowering of the bowel cancer screening age in Aotearo...

Prime Minister's science award winners

01 May 2024

Otago awarded prestigious PM's science prize

The University of Otago’s HDGC Research Group has received the Te Pūiaki Putaiao...

Sarah Diermeier sitting in front of a bookcase with inset portrait photos of her Associate Investigators

01 Mar 2024

Diermeier Lab awarded grant from RNA research platform

A research team led by Otago Biochemistry’s Dr Sarah Diermeier has just been awa...

Emily Tidey thumbnail

08 Feb 2024

“Check Your Boobs” says Surveying academic

In early 2022, Emily Tidey found a lump on her breast. Following a mastectomy an...

Helen Morrin thumbnail 12

30 Nov 2023

Another major award for 'role model'

In what’s proving to be a stellar year for recognition of her commitment and ded...

Claire Henry

14 Nov 2023

Rapid rise of endometrial cancer in Aotearoa

Healthcare professionals are concerned about the management of endometrial cance...

Helen Morrin thumbnail

01 Nov 2023

Helen Morrin receives award for cancer research

After more than two decades as the Curator of Otago University’s He Taonga Tapu...

Christchurch hospital entrance.

04 Aug 2023

Screening age needs to be lowered to combat ‘epidemic’

New Zealand needs to lower the screening age for colorectal cancer if it wants t...

Stock photograph of two people's hands reaching towards each other against a white background

02 Aug 2023

Continuity of care needed from the ‘front of the pathway’ to the back

After undergoing cancer treatment, many survivors deal with a range of psycho-so...

DNA - generic - image

27 Jun 2023

DNA discovery may assist in fight against aggressive cancer

In a significant development in the fight against fatal cancers, University of O...

27 Jun 2023

New psychedelic-assisted therapy trial aims to help cancer patients

Finding a way to help terminal cancer patients struggling with depressive though...

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