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Tuesday 14 March 2017 3:09pm

The Christchurch City2Surf 2017 event is on this Sunday (March 19) and the Christchurch Heart Institute team is gearing up to take part.

Participation in the event is one of a number of initiatives that are underway in an effort to increase the CHI's profile in Christchurch. Our 17 strong team, a mix of runners and walkers, will wear red tops with the CHI logo emblazoned on the back.

Professor Vicky Cameron, head of the CHI's Genetics and Molecular Biology laboratory commented, “We are all looking forward to taking part in this worthwhile event that brings people together, while helping a charity – this year it is Aviva, formerly Women's Refuge – and also helps to promote health and wellbeing through exercise. Regular exercise is, of course, essential for heart health.”

Taking part in events such as the City2Surf helps to create a stronger local presence for the CHI and that plays an important part in promotion of the research and attraction of study participants.

“As an Otago University Research Centre, the CHI is recognised around the world for many leading discoveries in heart health research, which have led to new clinical tests and procedures being implemented globally. We are not very well known in New Zealand and we would like to change that,” Professor Cameron said.

So as the team hits the streets on Sunday, give them a cheer, they are flying the flag for heart research in Canterbury, in New Zealand and some might argue, the world!

UPDATE: 20 March 2017

Well done to our 17 strong team in the City2Surf! A fantastic effort was made by all runners and walkers. We look forward to an even larger team next year! A few of the team are pictured below.

Some of the Christchurch Heart Institute team gathers for the City2Surf 2017Left to right: Ruth Jardine, Carol Groves, Lorraine Skelton, David Christie, Sara Rausepp, Sarah Appleby, Judy Heslop, Mathew Byers, Vicky Cameron, Mark Appleby, Adam Runesson

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