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Research Team

  • Pauline Barnett
  • Susan Newberry [Department of Accounting, Finance and Information Systems, University of Canterbury]


This project has analysed the relationships between regional health purchasers and small, not-for-profit community mental health agencies. The research examined the nature of the quasi-market or network structure which had been established under the health reforms, and the implications of this for purchaser-provider relationships and for small agencies required to participate in a more complex system.


  • Barnett P and Newberry S. Reshaping community mental health services in a restructured state: New Zealand 1984-97. Public Management Review 4 (2) : 187-208, 2002
  • Newberry S and Barnett P. Negotiating the network: the contracting experiences of community mental health agencies in New Zealand. Financial Accountability and Management 17: 133-52, 2001.
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