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Research Team

Principal Investigator

  • Professor Peter Davis [Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences]


  • Cynthia Kiro [Massey University],
  • Andrew Sporle [Auckland]
  • Tony Blakely [Wellington School of Medicine]
  • Pat Coope [Statistician, Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences]
  • Gabrielle Hyde (Junior Research Fellow)

Supported by the Public Good Science Fund


This programme will first refine the standard instrument that has been previously developed by the applicants for measuring socio-economic status in New Zealand (the New Zealand Socio-Economic index or NZSEI), and then apply it, alongside gender and ethnicity, to the analysis of the socio-economic patterning of well-being. The early phase of the programme will address methodological issues associated both with the classification of farmers (and other self-employed workers) and with the incorporation into the scale of part-time workers and those outside the workforce.

The second phase of the programme will apply the refined instrument to the analysis of the socio-economic patterning of key indicators of well-being drawn from national survey data sets. During the final phase of this project further analyses will be conducted to examine the socio-economic impact of gender and ethnicity on key well-being outcomes relative to the effect of the NZSEI.


  • Davis P, Jenkin G, Coope P. New Zealand Socio-economic index 1996. An update and revision of the New Zealand Socio-economic index of Occupational Status. Statistics New Zealand, Wellington. 2003
  • Davis P, McLeod K, Ransom M, Ongley P, Pearce N, Howden-Chapman P. The New Zealand Socioeconomic index: developing and validating an occupationally-derived indicator of socioeconomic status. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 23: 20-26, 1999.
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