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This is handled by a media engagement team. Their role is to:

  • Prepare and disseminate research news releases for academic staff where we assess media interest is likely.
  • Provide information to journalists about major events, visits, staff appointments, funding announcements, public lectures, or other newsworthy University activity. Researchers should contact us well in advance of final publication of their research, or their event. Please note, we do not provide marketing services such as posters and paid advertising.
  • When media call or email about operational matters (involving the running of the University, such as student, staff or funding issues), our University Media Policy states the Communications Office is the first point of contact, and that responses need to be coordinated by the media engagement team. Please scroll down to key contacts.
  • Read the University Media Policy
  • Read the latest media releases

Key contacts for staff enquiring about research news releases or newsworthy events:

Finding Otago experts

Calls from journalists are welcome directly to academic staff about their expertise, and our expertise database helps journalists search by topic to find academic commentators. Researchers should visit the database to check their entry is up-to-date, or add themselves.

Visit the Media Expertise Database

Key contacts for journalists requiring further assistance with finding an expert:

Key contact for staff enquiring about the Media Expertise Database:

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