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What happens after you've submitted an application?

Once you've submitted your application, Otago processes it for University Admission and/or Programme Admission which includes:

University Admission

Students at tutorial

You will be contacted via your eVision portal if you need to provide any information or documentation.

If you are still at school and expecting to gain University Entrance through NCEA, CIE or IB, in most cases Otago will receive your results automatically when they are released. However, you may still need to provide evidence of identity or other information. Your application will be in a 'University Admission pending' state until Otago has received all relevant information.

You'll be informed of the outcome of your application via eVision.

Programme Admission

Student studying on laptop in library

The department responsible for your programme assesses the application against the admission criteria and will normally either offer you a place in the programme or decline your application. Your place may be conditional upon providing further information, completing further steps, or gaining University Admission.

The University will inform you of the outcome and (if appropriate) make you an offer via eVision, which you can accept or decline. Once you've accepted your offer, you can proceed to course enrolment.

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