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Paper Code Year Title Points Teaching period
MARI112 2025 Marine Biology: The Living Ocean 18 Semester 2
MARI201 2025 Oceanography: The Physical Ocean 18 Semester 1
MARI202 2025 Ecology and Biology of Marine Invertebrates 18 Semester 2
MARI250 2025 Special Topic 18 Not offered in 2025
MARI301 2025 Marine Ecology and Ecosystems 18 Semester 1
MARI302 2025 Biology and Behaviour of Marine Vertebrates 18 Semester 1
MARI322 2025 Coastal and Shelf Seas Oceanography 18 Semester 2
MARI350 2025 Special Topic 18 Not offered in 2025
MARI401 2025 Advanced Methods in Marine Science 20 Semester 1
MARI403 2025 Critical Thinking for Environmental Scientists 20 Semester 1
MARI429 2025 Coastal Marine Environment 20 Full Year
MARI431 2025 Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science 20 Semester 2
MARI450 2025 Special Topic: Applied Estuarine Ecology 20 Not offered in 2025
MARI451 2025 Advanced Topics in Marine Science 20 Not offered in 2025
MARI480 2025 Independent Project 40 1st Non standard period
MARI490 2025 Dissertation 60 2nd Non standard period
MARI495 2025 Master's Thesis Preparation 40 1st Non standard period
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