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Students walking through the Quadrangle

The University of Otago is committed to providing a safe and fair study environment. Complaints are treated seriously and the University will attempt to resolve them in a timely manner.

If you have concerns about your treatment by the University, a staff member or a student, the first thing you should normally do is try and resolve the problem directly with the person(s) concerned. Wherever possible, issues should be resolved by a process of discussion, cooperation and conciliation.

If a problem cannot be resolved directly, it may be appropriate to seek help from a staff member in your department and/or from one of the support services detailed below. There are also formal University policies which detail processes and authorities for dealing with different types of problems.

Students in the Union.

Sources of support

OUSA Student Support – the Otago University Students' Association provides a free and independent student advice, advocacy and support service.

Conflict Resolution and Mediation – the University Mediator provides advice and mediation services to help with the resolution of interpersonal problems.

The University Proctor – the Proctor's Office is responsible for a safe and healthy campus environment. If you feel that a situation may endanger yourself or others, you should contact the Proctor's Office. Breaches of the University's Code of Student Conduct can also be reported to the Proctor.

The Graduate Research School – the Graduate Research School can provide support and advice to research degree (Doctoral and Master's) candidates in relation to issues arising in their thesis studies.

International Student Advisers – International Student Advisers are available on a confidential basis to assist international students.

Students in the Robertson Library.

Policies and processes

Ethical Behaviour Policy – the policy governing ethical behaviour between members of the University community, including the process for addressing unethical behaviour (e.g. bullying, discrimination, harassment etc).

Student Academic Grievance Procedures – the procedures for students who feel they have unfairly suffered academic disadvantage due to the actions of a staff member or the University.

The Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students (PDF) – a framework setting out expected standards of advice and support for all students, including a complaints procedure.

Complaints processes for international students – processes, procedures and information for international students considering making a complaint.

Student Conduct Statute – the statute covering student conduct and processes and penalties in cases of unacceptable conduct.

Appeals Statute – the statute covering the University's formal appeals process.

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