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Timetables of lectures, tutorials, laboratories and other classes for most papers are arranged centrally in order to make the most effective use of the University's buildings and facilities.

In most cases, your papers will have a timetable of classes into which you are streamed. Information on the timetable, streaming and rooms is displayed in your personal timetable in eVision.

Note: The University reserves the right to amend the timetable in response to the introduction of such changes (including addition, withdrawal or restructuring of papers and programmes) as it may judge to be necessary or desirable and/or in response to variations to the numbers of students enrolled in specific papers.

Streaming and room allocation

Streaming is required for classes where, due to the number of students enrolled, they need to be separated into different lectures, tutorials or laboratories.

The roomed timetable will be released to eVision shortly before the beginning of the semester.

Visit the Streaming and room allocation webpage for more information.

Timetable clash information

A timetable clash occurs when a student has two teaching events scheduled at the same time.

Students are expected to attend all scheduled teaching events in their course of study, however in some limited circumstances timetable clashes may be permitted.

Visit the Timetable clash page for more details.

Web timetable viewer

The University Timetable may be viewed online through the Web Timetable Viewer.

You can choose to view the timetable by paper(s) or room(s) within a selected time frame.

If you are working off campus you will need to use the VPN to view this.

Access Web Timetable Viewer 2024

Booking a room

Students, University staff, and members of the public may book a room for appropriate group activities where spaces are available. To request a booking: email

Visit the Casual room booking page for more information.

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