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Study Computational Modelling at Otago

Crunching the big problems.

Computational Modelling formulates and models real-world problems, then uses computing to develop solutions.

You could help create a new product – a pacemaker, a refrigerator, or perhaps part of a satellite – to see whether it works at a theoretical level before a company commits time and money to building the real thing. You might model the survival of an endangered species, plan how to map the wave patterns of the ocean from space, or optimise the layout of components in a new type of dishwasher.

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Why study Computational Modelling?

Being able to formulate a real-world problem, develop the model and then use computers to find a theoretical solution is a powerful and rewarding skill set. Computational Modelling has relevance to a huge variety of fields, and people with these skills are highly sought after.

Computational Modelling is being increasingly recognised and valued as applicable in a growing number of sectors.

Career opportunities

Career prospects in Computational Modelling are excellent. Opportunities abound in all areas of product development,  financial modelling and business, physical and health science, animal and plant science, process engineering, food technology, design, telecommunications, software development, and information technology.

Chances are you'll begin your career by joining an existing  firm. You could work for a large company, helping them with the development of their own products.

Consultancy is one of the fastest growing career options for many scientific disciplines. Consultancy work is project based, with plenty of variety and opportunities for travel.

Your skills will also make you a valuable asset to any engineering  firm, and with your advanced programming abilities, there will also be plenty of scope to work in the computer industry. With the business knowledge you gained during your degree, and some industry experience under your belt, you'll be well qualified to become your own boss, if you want to start your own innovative business venture.


Computational Modelling as a minor subject for a BA, MusB, BPA, BTheol, BSc, BCom, BEntr, BHealSc, BACom, BASc or BComSc degree

Available as a minor subject for a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Music (MusB), Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA), Bachelor of Theology (BTheol), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (BEntr), Bachelor of Health Science (BHealSc), Bachelor of Arts and Commerce (BACom), Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) or Bachelor of Commerce and Science (BComSc) degree


COMO 101 Modelling and Computation

MATH 140 Fundamentals of Modern Mathematics 2

One of:
COMP 151 Programming for Scientists
COMP 161 Computer Programming
COMP 162 Foundations of Computer Science





COMO 204 Differential Equations

MATH 202 Linear Algebra




COMO 303 Numerical Methods


Total 108

COMO papers

Paper Code Year Title Points Teaching period
COMO101 2025 Modelling and Computation 18 Semester 2
COMO204 2025 Differential Equations 18 Semester 1
COMO303 2025 Numerical Methods 18 Semester 1
COMO480 2025 Research Project 40 Not offered in 2025

More information

Contact us

Associate Professor David Bryant
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Tel +64 3 479 7889

Studying at Otago

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