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+64 3 479 7059
Senior Lecturer and Deputy Convenor Bachelor of Oral Health programme
Department of Oral Sciences
DentHyg MHSc MHEd candidate
Research summary
Dental and Oral Health, Active Learning, Educational Technology and Interprofessional Education
Oral health at postgraduate and undergraduate levels


Hanna Olson’s research interest is centred around student experience. She contributes to the advancement of teaching and learning activities in particular for the group of oral health students. She is the IPE Convenor for the BOH programme involved in planning for and facilitating IPE activities across health professional educational programmes within the University.

Her research highlights a learner-centred approach to teaching using active learning strategies. She has partnered with a team of international academics and dental specialists to form innovative collaboration practices in digital dentistry. Together they design and develop e-learning material as shared resources for early learning in dental and oral health programmes.


Beckingsale, L., Olson, H., Robertson-Smith, J., Ronayne, C., & Anakin, M. (2024). "Strategy": The secret to writing a conference abstract in health professions education. Focus on Health Professional Education, 25(1), 88-89. doi: 10.11157/fohpe.v25i1.774 Journal - Research Other

Olson, H., Carrington, S., Tawse-Smith, A., & Adam, L. (2023). A blended approach for learning pre-clinical skills within Te Kaupeka Pūniho - the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Otago. Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) Festival. 213. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Olson, H., Carrington, S., Tawse-Smith, A., & Adam, L. (2022). Students' experiences with using e-learning tools in early learning in dentistry. New Zealand Dental Journal, 118(4), (pp. 172). [Abstract] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Anakin, M., Lee, C., Fleming, N., Beckingsale, L., & Olson, H. (2022). PeArL (Personally Arranged Learning Session): "Help, I’m doing a research project!" In M. Anakin, R. Bird, N. Flack, Q. Liu, J. McCallum-Loudeac & T. McLennan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sciences Education and Health Professions Education Symposium. (pp. 16-17). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago. [Abstract] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Lee, C., Olson, H., & Anakin, M. (2022). Advice for constructing a productive supervisory relationship in education research. Medical Science Educator, 32, 1521-1526. doi: 10.1007/s40670-022-01688-6 Journal - Research Other

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