The Sir John Walsh Research Institute
The Sir John Walsh Research Institute (SJWRI) is the research arm of the Faculty of Dentistry.
Oral health is essential for wellbeing. We lead the advancement of oral health research and practice in New Zealand by combining the strengths of biological, clinical, and public health expertise. From the molecular level through biological systems to the health of populations, our research is improving oral health in New Zealand.
Our research objectives are:
- To develop clinical research that translates discoveries into measurable health benefits
- To maintain fundamental research that underpins our teaching
The SJWRI is uniquely placed within the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Otago—the only dental school in New Zealand and ranked in the top-50 worldwide. This enables researchers and clinicians to work together to solve specific oral health problems and to rapidly translate findings into improved clinical practice.
Take a video tour of our state-of-the-art facilities.
Institute named after advocate for research
The SJWRI is named after Sir John Walsh KBE, an advocate for advancing research and the dental profession. He was Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry from 1947 to 1972.
About Sir John Walsh KBE (SJWRI)
Oral healthcare challenges are significant in New Zealand
The societal and financial costs of poor oral health care are huge. Poor oral health may also directly affect general health.
The oral health needs of our ageing population and access to care for disadvantaged groups are featured in our research programmes.
Oral health research programmes (SJWRI)
Maximising the public benefit of oral health research
We work to maximise the public benefit from oral health research advances by actively engaging with national policy makers.
Our unique placement at the centre of dental student training in New Zealand enables engagement with the next wave of clinical practitioners, and encourages life-long learning.
Our Institute also interacts with health professional bodies, consumers and industry to ensure the benefits of new discoveries are widely disseminated.
SJWRI mission and values (SJWRI)
Research contacts
Our staff expertise database links to the online profiles of all academic staff at the Faculty of Dentistry. You can search by name or by research area.
For general enquiries about research at the Faculty of Dentistry, please contact the Sir John Walsh Research Institute:
Tel +64 3 479 5661
Postal address
Sir John Walsh Research Institute
Faculty of Dentistry
University of Otago
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Physical address
Sir John Walsh Research Institute
University of Otago
Walsh Building
310 Great King St
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand