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Friday 19 May 2017 1:20pm

Professors Rachael Taylor, Jim Mann, Tony Merriman and Jeremy Krebs have visited China this week, as part of the New Zealand-China Non-communicable Diseases Research Collaboration Centre.

The New Zealand-China Non-Communicable Diseases Research Collaboration Centre (NCD CRCC) is a partnership between the three health and well-being National Science Challenges (Healthier Lives, A Better Start and Ageing Well). New Zealand-China Research Collaboration Centres are an initiative of the New Zealand Government to coordinate and maximise collaboration opportunities with China in areas of importance to New Zealand, including diabetes and obesity.

EDOR members have held meetings in Shanghai at Ruijin Hospital, and met with researchers at Fudan University School of Public Health, facilitated by the NZ Consulate General and the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission.  A two-day workshop in Beijing, sponsored by the Health Research Council of NZ (HRC) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has explored future collaboration opportunities to address the global increase in non-communicable diseases such as diabetes.

China Centre photo
Discussions between the New Zealand-China Non-Communicable Diseases Research Collaboration Centre (NCD CRCC) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), at the University of Otago in March 2017.  From left: Dr Hu Zhang (Research collaboration manager for the NCD CRCC), Prof. Dave Baxter (Co-Director of Ageing Well NSC), Prof. Parry Guilford (Co-director of Healthier Lives NSC), Prof. Jim Mann (Director of Healthier Lives NSC, Co-director EDOR), Prof. Peter Crampton (Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Health Sciences, University of Otago), Prof. Congqiang Liu (Vice President, NSFC), Prof. Cliff Abraham (Director, Brain Health Research Centre),  Ms. Xiuping Liu (Director, Division of American and Australasian Affairs, Bureau of International Cooperation, NSFC), Prof. Tony Merriman (EDOR), Prof. Rachael Taylor (A Better Start NSC, Director of EDOR).

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