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We work to understand why some people are healthy and some are not, how to prevent illness and injury, how people's health can be improved through working with communities, how political systems and health organisations affect health, and other issues relating to the health of populations.

Public health

Public health research

Our researchers work on many important public health issues, both here in New Zealand and around the world. Follow the links below to learn more about our published research and staff expertise.

Learn more about our public health research

Public health teaching

We teach students at all levels of study in all disciplines of public health, including Hauora Māori, health policy, epidemiology, health promotion, health economics, environmental health, and health systems. We offer programmes and courses in Public Health at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Learn more about undergraduate studies in Public Health
Learn more about postgraduate studies in Public Health

Public health action

Our contributions to improving and protecting the health of the population include monitoring the safety of medicines, providing information about poisons, improving the quality of health research, and advocacy for healthy public policy.

Learn more about our public health action

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