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A PhD 'Warrant of Fitness' has been developed to assist candidates to take stock mid-way through their PhD to see if they are on track for completion:

Tick Indicator Comments
1 Topic sorted: you know what your topic is and you have a research question(s)
2 Your research is where it should be (e.g. literature review underway, theoretical framework and/or methods are sorted, ethics has been approved, data are being collected & analysed etc.)
3 A working Supervisory Agreement is in place
4 You have been confirmed (or if not, you know what you need to do)
5 Communication with your supervisor(s) is good and progress meetings are honest and open
6 You have an outline of your thesis chapters and a REALISTIC timeline for completion
7 You have done a presentation of your research
8 International conference – plan that “freebie”
9 You are thinking about possible careers after your PhD and the skills needed, and are seeking out relevant professional development opportunities
10 You are starting to establish professional networks
11 Writing is on track and you have a sense of your findings and the implications
12 Publications: you have published or have a plan to publish
13 Thesis formatting and referencing are under control
(14) For internationals – you know about the rules re visas/ deferral/ scholarships/writing up from home
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