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Both the University as a PCBU (Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking) and all university workers have a role to play in working towards making the University of Otago a safe and healthy workplace.

University workers, including managers and supervisors have specific responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA).

The University strives to provide workers with high quality staff services relating to health & safety.

Worker responsibilities

The HSWA provides key responsibilities for University workers to manage health and safety day to day.

University Health and Safety Policy

All University workers are required to:

  • Report all incidents and injuries; and
  • Participate in the health and safety management systems in operation within the University; and
  • Report any risks, hazards or safety concerns they identify to relevant health and safety staff; and
  • Actively participate in rehabilitation for work related injuries/illnesses.

View the University Health and Safety Policy

Responsibilities under the Health and Safety Work at Act 2015

The HSWA outlines the duties of workers. While at work, a worker must:

  • Take reasonable care of their own health and safety,
  • Take reasonable care that what they do or don't do doesn't adversely affect the health and safety of others,
  • Cooperate with any reasonable policies or procedures the business or undertaking has in place on how to work in a safe and healthy way
  • Comply with any reasonable instruction given by the business or undertaking so that they can comply with HSWA and the regulations

View the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015

Keeping Safe at Work - A Guide for Employees (WorkSafe)

Worker Health and Safety Services

The University is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all workers. Accordingly, workers are able to take advantage of a range of services.

The Employee Assistance Programme

The Employee Assistance Programme (E.A.P.) is a free, confidential counselling service which the University of Otago makes available to eligible staff.

Employee Assistance Programme

Health & Safety training programme

The University offers a training programme to ensure workers understand the risks and hazards in their workplace, and are equipped with the knowledge and skills to manage these.

Health & Safety training programme

The ACC Partnership Programme (ACC PP)

The ACC Partnership Programme (ACC PP) allows the University of Otago , as an accredited PCBU, to act as an agent of ACC.

ACC Partnership Programme

School of Physiotherapy Clinic

University staff can access discounted physiotherapy services at the School of Physiotherapy Clinics in Dunedin, when seen by a fully-qualified physiotherapist.

Cheaper rates are also available to staff and members of the public seen by a student physiotherapist at the Dunedin clinic.

Fees at the School of Physiotherapy Clinics in Dunedin

Key contacts

Andrea McMillan
Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing

64 3 479 7380

Nevan Trotter
Health and Safety Manager

64 3 479 5389

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