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+64 3 479 7673
Research Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Research summary
Cancer susceptibility, translational cancer research, personalised medicine


Professor Parry Guilford is the Director of the Centre for Translational Cancer Research and the Research Director of Pacific Edge Biotechnology Ltd. He completed his MSc at Otago in 1983, and his PhD at Cambridge University in 1989. His research interests include the genetics of inherited cancers, in particular gastric cancer, and the application of gene expression analysis to the diagnosis and management of cancer.


  • Parry Guilford
    2016, Elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand
  • Parry Guilford
    2016, BMS Senior Researcher Award
  • Chris Harris
    2014, Otago Medical School Research Society's Student Science Writing Prize, 1st place
    Chris's entry was entitled ‘Unlocking Prostate Cancer’.
  • Parry Guilford
    2014, Sir Charles Hercus Medal for excellence in biomedical and health sciences
    For the discovery of the gene mutation that can lead to hereditary stomach cancer in families.
  • Bryony Telford
    2013, Otago School of Medical Sciences Postgraduate Symposium Speaking Award, 2nd place
  • Parry Guilford
    2013, HRC Beaven Medal for Translational Research
  • Parry Guilford
    2013, OSMS Commercialisation Award
  • ’translation of technological innovation to commercial reality’
  • Parry Guilford
    2009, James Cook Fellowship


Hughes, M., Brew, T., Godwin, T., Black, M., & Guilford, P. (2023). Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals synthetic lethal targets for chemoprevention of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Annual Symposium & Workshops. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Redpath, K., Vaessen, C., Decourtye-Espiard, L., Schulpen, E., Godwin, T., Bougen-Zhukov, N., McElroy, K., Black, M., & Guilford, P. (2023). Single-cell RNA-Seq reveals candidate synergistic treatments for the chemoprevention of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Annual Symposium & Workshops. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Decourtye-Espiard, L., & Guilford, P. (2023). The chemoprevention of hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. In G. Corso, P. Veronesi & F. Roviello (Eds.), Hereditary gastric and breast cancer syndrome: CDH1: One genotype with multiple phenotypes. (pp. 321-341). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-21317-5_21 Chapter in Book - Research

Buckley, K. H., Tondon, R., Guilford, P., & Katona, B. W. (2023). Non-targeted biopsies in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer: Necessary, but not enough. Translational Cancer Research, 12(7), 1883-1886. doi: 10.21037/tcr-23-541 Journal - Research Other

Fitzgerald, S., Blenkiron, C., Stephens, R., Mathy, J. A., Somers-Edgar, T., Rolfe, G., … Jackson, C., Eccles, M., … Rodger, E., … Guilford, P., … Print, C. G. (2023). Dynamic ctDNA mutational complexity in patients with melanoma receiving immunotherapy. Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s40291-023-00651-4 Journal - Research Article

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