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At the University of Otago, we value and support our staff in their career and life choices, whether it's retiring at the end of a great career or making that next career step.


Retiring can be the icing on the cake of an exciting career, provided you have prepared yourself for it. If you are thinking about retiring, there are a few things that you need to consider. We can support you in planning for your retirement, as well as through the process.

Find out more about retirement


We are sorry to see you go, but if you are planning on resigning from your position at the University, we would like the make the process as smooth as possible for you.

To start the process, you should write an email or letter to your manager. The letter should include the last day that you'll be physically working at the University. Please make sure you check your notice period in your Employee Agreement first.

Your resignation will be acknowledged/approved by your Manager and/or HOD before being sent to Divisional Office for acknowledgement/approval. Your resignation will then be sent to HR Services who will issue a formal acknowledgment.

Employee agreements and conditions

Exit survey

All staff who resign from the University of Otago will, on receipt of their resignation by Human Resources, receive a request to complete an online exit survey.

The aggregated and depersonalised information collected from the survey will be collated in an annual report, which will provide valuable feedback on why staff are leaving, and what they thought about their experience at Otago.

Exit interview

All staff who resign from the University of Otago will, on receipt of their resignation by Human Resources, be offered the opportunity to have an exit interview. Exit interviews are usually conducted with an HR representative. The interview is tailored to the individual and typically the following topics are covered:

  • Feedback on the University as an employer
  • Feedback on the workplace and environment
  • Suggestions for future (within a department/whole University)

If you wish to have an exit interview, please contact:


Departmental Exit Procedure Checklist

All staff who resign or retire from their position should complete the Exit Checklist in conjunction with their department.

Download the Departmental Exit Procedures Checklist (PDF)

The University Club Inc – something for retirees

Many retirees want to keep a relationship with others from the University after they retire. One way is to join the University Club.

The University Club meets at the Heritage Leisure Lodge, Duke Street, Dunedin at 10:30am every second Friday (except Good Friday and Public Holidays) between mid-February and early December, with weekly speakers on a wide variety of topics. The speakers for the year can be found on the web page below. The weekly meal costs $18.00 (main, dessert and tea/coffee).

All contact and other details for the club are on their website:

It is a no-obligations club and people come and go as they wish, with no requirement to attend every week – and you can bring friends and family as guests.

How do I join the University Club?
Come along as a guest and see if the Club feels right for you. You can obtain an application form from the Secretary, or apply online. A Proposer and Seconder are needed. The annual membership fee is $50.

The current Secretary is Chris Boyd, 72 Blacks Road, North East Valley, Dunedin 9010.
Tel +64 3 473 8205

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